Thursday, November 2, 2017

Slaying the Recurring Monster

I’ve shared in the past about my struggle with major depression and how I conquered it but it turns out I didn’t conquer it after all, I just knocked it out for a few rounds.  Ittt’s Baaack!  I guess it never really went away, I just got good at pretending it wasn’t there, although I still mostly isolated and neglected myself and my environment, I put on a brave face and acted as if everything was okay with the world.  Denial is a great thing, isn’t it?

Depression is this big ugly monster that creeps into your life uninvited, and so in a way it’s befitting that I would finally acknowledge that it was there on Halloween day, trick or treat.  There aren’t any treats with depression, just tricks but I have a supportive family, and supportive friends and that is a treat enough for me.  I am grateful for all my friends and family today!

Unlike the last time, I have a better awareness of the help that is out there, and I’m not afraid to reach out, unfortunately, many people with depression don’t have that luxury.  I am determined to do whatever I can to finally defeat the monster once and for all, no matter how long it takes, and no matter what I have to do!

There is a crisis, there always is, and whatever comes of it I accept, and move on.  I may be judged, there is quite a stigma attached to mental health and its effects, but I know that the love and support of those who matter most to me will see me through the criticism.

While it was necessary for me to elaborate a little on my state of mind as I write these words, my biggest hope with this blog post is to help people understand that depression is very real, appearances aren’t always as they seem, and until crisis hits, people may not be aware that they are depressed.  Please be aware of the signs of depression and do not hesitate to intervene as depression can be a very serious issue.

I am certainly no expert on depression, and all I can offer you is my own signs, which denial caused me to overlook, these are: withdrawing from people, neglecting responsibilities, changes in personal appearance, a messy home, shame, etc..  There are so many more signs that I couldn’t possibly list them all, even if I knew them.  If you suspect depression, speak firmly and frankly with the person but do not judge them, they need your love an support if they are to overcome their condition.

For anyone facing depression, my thoughts and prayers are with you.  Do not be afraid to reach out to someone you care about, talking about it was my greatest release, and that’s where the healing starts.  If you don’t know who to trust, do not hesitate to contact me, we can help each other through this.  Depression may be a big monster but we have within us the ability to be Monster Slayers!

Love you all!


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