Saturday, June 10, 2017

Welcome To My Story!

My life is a story for which I won’t be around to write the ending, but I know that no matter what experiences life has in store for me, the ending will be satisfactory because I’ve made up my mind to enjoy every moment of it.  My life has had its dark moments but from these moments I’ve grown into the person I am today, not perfect, but certainly passable, and I’ve become adaptable to life’s little, and not so little, vicissitudes.  I am the best damn story I will ever write!

A good story they say starts “in media res” (in the middle of things), and has a beginning, a middle, and an ending.  Not one for convention, I will focus my blog posts mostly on the middle, the juicy stuff, the conflicts and the struggles, the goals, and the outcomes.  I will attempt to stick to the language of the heart, sometimes allowing my emotions to guide my writing, and inject glimpses of the beginning when necessary, but the ending my friends, I save for my eulogy (hopefully in the distant future).

Be forewarned that this is a writer’s blog, not a writing blog, the focus is, and always will be, on the life of this writer, not on the art of writing.  I may at times allude to the odd writing tip or technique but reserve the bulk of that domain for those who are experts. 

Welcome to my story, feel free to comment, ask questions, or say hello anytime.  It would be my absolute pleasure to engage with you and answer any questions you may have.  Please visit my website at and feel free to email me anytime at

Love you all!

Luc Rivet

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